On this page:

You can lodge an objection if you disagree with the value of your property as listed on your council rate notice or land tax assessment notice.

Objections must be lodged with the relevant rating authority.

Where to lodge your objection

Council rates notices

Lodge objections to the valuation on your council rates notice directly with your local council.

The council issuing the rates notice can provide you with direction on how to lodge an objection.

Land tax assessment notices

Lodge objections to the valuation on your land tax assessment notice with the State Revenue Office.

More information on land tax, including how to object to the value of your property, can be found on the State Revenue Office website.

How to lodge an objection

The objection must:

  • be in writing
  • (in most instances) be lodged within 2 months of the notice being given
  • state the grounds on which (why) you are objecting

You can also refer to the following sections of the Valuation of Land Act 1960.

  • Section 16: Who can object
  • Section 17: Grounds for objection
  • Section 18: Time within which you must lodge an objection with the council
  • Section 21: How objections are dealt with
  • Section 22: The appeals process

Objections Portal

Objections to a valuation shown on your council valuation and rate notice can be submitted electronically with 78 participating councils using the Objections Portal.

Councils not using the portal are:

  • Greater Shepparton

Contact this council directly for advice on how to lodge an objection.

Pro-forma objection forms

Pro-forma objection forms can be sourced from your council. If this is not possible, please use the generic versions from the Valuer-General Victoria (VGV) below.

Completing the objection pro-forma will ensure your objection complies with the Valuation of Land Act 1960. It will also help to identify areas of contention in discussions with the council valuer.

Please post or submit your completed objection forms and attachments to the council that issued the rate and valuation notice. Do not send your form to VGV.

Page last updated: 05/03/25