9 August 2021
Surveyor-General Victoria (SGV) has updated the Victorian Cadastral Surveys Practice Directives to help licensed surveyors meet their legal requirements for cadastral surveys in Victoria.
The Victorian Cadastral Surveys Practice Directives July 2021, which are effective from 31 July 2021, replace the July 2018 version.
SGV consulted widely with industry and Land Use Victoria stakeholders about cadastral survey matters over nine months. Feedback was received on marking boundaries in title re-establishment surveys, showing the method of marking boundaries on Records of having re-established a cadastral boundary (RE Plans), the RE Plan process in general and the adoption of the Single CAD Format File for digital lodgement.
SGV also forwarded proposed changes to surveying bodies for comment before formally adopting them in the Victorian Cadastral Surveys Practice Directives in July 2021.
The significant changes in the updated practice directives include:
- updated requirements for marking of boundaries
- updated requirements for RE Plans
- mandating connection of all cadastral surveys, unless exempt, to the Map Grid of Australia 2020 (MGA2020) by 1 July 2022
- updated requirements for verifying GNSS measurements
- new information about using and verifying emerging measurement technologies
- a new definition of what is acceptable as a partial survey
- an updated example of an RE Plan
- updated examples of traditional and alternative abstracts of field records
- an updated licensed surveyor’s report template.
Surveyor-General Victoria has notified all Victorian licensed surveyors about the new requirements and will discuss the changes at industry events including the Consulting Surveyors Victoria webinar series in August and the Institution of Surveyors Victoria Survey Expo in October.
Download the Victorian Cadastral Surveys Practice Directives:
Find out more on practice directives including examples of survey documents:
Page last updated: 11/07/23