9 November 2021

Surveyor-General Victoria (SGV) is a proud sponsor of diversity and inclusion scholarships with the University of Melbourne and RMIT. The scholarships are for high-performing students studying geospatial science and surveying disciplines from diverse backgrounds.

The scholarships will help successful applicants develop their career pathways. These scholarships will give preference to Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islanders and females studying at the University of Melbourne and RMIT.

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) will also provide a mentoring program for successful applicants through SGV.  

Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and female students continue to be underrepresented in the surveying profession. For example, only 4% of Victoria’s 403 licensed surveyors are women.

SGV is taking action to create a more diverse cohort using the University scholarship program to encourage students of diverse backgrounds to pursue a career in surveying and geospatial sciences.

DELWP is a partner of the Space, Spatial and Surveying Diversity Leadership Network (SSSDLN) Action Plan and supports initiatives that promote diversity and inclusion across the industry.

For more details about the scholarships see:
DELWP Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship - RMIT University
DEWLP Spatial Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship - University of Melbourne.

Page last updated: 11/07/23