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All roads must be named in accordance with the guidelines set out in the Naming rules for places in Victoria.

The naming rules set out clear guidelines to help ensure the naming of the road network provides safe and efficient movement for all road users.

The naming rules state that a road name must:

  • be a unique name within an area (no two the same, or too similar)
  • include the correct road type descriptor, such as Lane or Boulevard.

Why is an audit program conducted?

Geographic Names Victoria conducts an audit program to ensure compliance to the naming rules. This audit program is conducted on new roads created on plans of subdivision.

We conduct monthly auditing on a random selection of plans of subdivision. New road names are checked against the principles in the naming rules. We check particularly for name duplication, origin, appropriate road types and the extent to which the road name applies.

Road names that are not compliant are reported to the relevant naming authority for further attention.

We work closely with naming authorities, surveyors, and developers to resolve compliance issues.

The audit program also allows us to track the naming application process and understanding of the naming rules. This helps us to target communications and training.

2023-2024 Audit Results

Geographic Names Victoria audited 152 plans of subdivision in the 2023-2024 financial year. The audit found that 65% of names complied with the naming rules.

The most common reason for a name not complying was inappropriate road type. This was followed by duplicated names within the same area.

Examples of inappropriate road types include:

  • Using the road type ‘Avenue’ for a road that is not wide, or does not have trees on either side.
  • Using the road type of ‘Drive’ or ‘Boulevard’ when ‘Street’ or ‘Road’ would have been a more accurate description.

Road types must comply with the Australian Standard 4819:2011 Rural urban and addressing standard and the naming rules. Both documents have clear definitions for road types.

More information

For more information about the naming process, please refer to the naming rules or see how to start a naming proposal.

Page last updated: 10/07/24