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Naming a place using Aboriginal language

Geographic Names Victoria (GNV) strongly encourages naming authorities to consider local Aboriginal names for new names to roads, features and localities.

We also remind naming authorities that  they must engage with the local Traditional Owners before making any decisions on the use of their language.

Our rich Aboriginal history

Victoria has a rich Aboriginal history, with over 38 Aboriginal languages representing the diversity of cultural heritage and connection to Country.

The uniqueness of language is based on location. Each language is deeply rooted to the land and offers an ideal opportunity to connect a name to a place.

Victoria is unique in Australia in that it has distributed the responsibility for the   naming process so it can be managed locally. The state’s primary naming authorities are the 79 municipal councils, but some government departments, government authorities and private organisations also hold this role.

Learn more about Aboriginal place naming in Victoria.

Page last updated: 04/06/24