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Vicmap Vegetation contains topologically structured digital datasets depicting trees or areas of woody cover across the state of Victoria.

Vicmap Vegetation can help users undertake environmental analysis, risk management and map production activities. Customers include utilities, resource managers, local government, cartographers and emergency services organisations.

Vicmap Vegetation contains four datasets:

  • Tree Extent
  • Tree Density
  • Tree Urban
  • Plantations

Vicmap Tree Extent shows tree presence/absence at a 20cm pixel resolution across the state.

Vicmap Tree Density shows the presence of woody vegetation and has been divided into three distinct density classes. The density classes show the spatial separation of woody vegetation between dense, medium and sparse. It has been derived from the Tree Extent dataset.

Vicmap Tree Urban shows centrepoints and heights of trees. It has been created for metropolitan regions in four regional councils (Wangaratta, Shepparton, Sale and Ballarat) and metropolitan Melbourne.

Plantations contains information showing the extent of softwood and hardwood plantings.

Explore data

You can visualise and explore Vicmap data in an online map before you download it:

Note that this site may not include the full suite of available Vicmap products.

Access data

Access Vicmap Vegetation from Data Vic or Datashare.

An aerial photograph, showing green paddocks, roads and areas of trees with the Vicmap Vegetation Tree Density dataset overlayed.
Above: Sample of aerial photography with the Vicmap Vegetation Tree Density dataset overlayed, showing how the three density classes can be visualised.

Technical detail

Dataset and SourceCoverage and Currency
Tree Extent – Aerial photographyStatewide – variable across the State from 2009 up until 2020
Tree Density – Aerial photographyStatewide – variable across the State from 2009 up until 2020
Tree Urban – Aerial photography and LiDarMetropolitan regions across Wangaratta, Shepparton, Sale and Ballarat, and Metropolitan Melbourne – 2019/2020
Plantations – Custodian supplyStatewide – annual update

Where reasonably practicable, Vicmap complies with the FAIR data principle: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. This is why Vicmap is available in a range of data formats and datums.

For details, please review the Vicmap product specification below.

Product resources

How to get help

Vicmap customers and business custodians can contact the Vicmap helpdesk for product information and support.

Page last updated: 03/10/24