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Vicmap Transport provides an accurate representation of Victoria’s statewide road, rail and airport assets. It is used in a variety of applications, particularly in emergency services, logistics planning and development.

This seamless, topologically structured dataset is made up of point, line and polygon area features.

Vicmap Transport's primary features are:

  • road centrelines
  • road structures
  • railways
  • tramways and structures
  • railway stations and tram stations
  • airports
  • ferry routes.

Intermediate feature types representing infrastructure include:

  • bridges
  • tunnels
  • barriers
  • stations
  • intersections.

Further classification and description of real-world features are provided by attribute tables such as road restriction, condition and class code.

Explore data

You can explore Vicmap data in a web mapping service before you download:

Although this site contains the core Vicmap datasets, it may not include the full suite of available products.

Access data

You can access Vicmap Transport from the Data.Vic platform under a Creative Commons license.

Technical detail

Source informationVarious authoritative sources such as Local Government, Property Developers, VicRoads and other Land Managers
CurrencyUpdated Weekly
Scale of capture1:480 to 1:25,000
Spatial accuracyGenerally ranges from 0.1 m to 25 m

Vicmap complies with the FAIR data principle: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable, where reasonably practicable. This is why Vicmap is available in a range of data formats and datums.

For details, please review the Vicmap product specification below.

Product resources

View Vicmap Transport product metadata

Vicmap Transport + Declared Roads Map

How to get help

Vicmap customers and business custodians can contact the Vicmap helpdesk for product information and support.

Page last updated: 03/10/24