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Vicmap Elevation and Depth products are derived from remote sensing data sources. Early Vicmap Elevation products were mapped by hand from stereographic aerial photography and exclusively represented the land surface and land surface features. Today, Vicmap uses technologies like LiDAR, radar and echo sounding to expand its representation of elevation and depth features.

In addition to the traditional land surface, Vicmap Elevation and Depth also include above-ground features (natural and built) as well as underwater or topographic depth features (bathymetry). The representation of the elevation and depth features conforms to the ANZLIC Foundational Spatial Data Framework

Within the Vicmap Elevation and Depth product family, these datasets are categorised by how they are represented: Elevation Surfaces, Elevation Point Clouds and Elevation Features.

Elevation Surfaces

Vicmap Elevation Surface products comprise of data that are modelled to represent continuous height or elevation surfaces in a gridded data format.

The ground surface, known as a Digital Elevation Model (DEM), has traditionally been the elevation surface of most use. However, above-ground and below-water (bathymetry) surfaces have increasingly become important and these types of surface products are planned for future release.

A Digital Elevation model of the Buckland River Valley genereated through LiDAR capture displaying the height of surfaces through shades of green, yellow and red.
The Buckland River Valley DEM data set from the Vicmap Elevation – LiDAR DEMs collection shown as a hill shaded surface in 3D perspective.

Explore available Vicmap Elevation Surface products:

The Vicmap Elevation LiDAR DEMs Collection is a compilation of ground surface models derived from Aerial LiDAR surveys undertaken through the Coordinated Imagery Program (CIP) since 2007. The collection represents the most comprehensive and extensive archive of LiDAR-derived DEMs for the State of Victoria.

The LiDAR DEMs are closely associated with the Vicmap Elevation – LiDAR Points Collection, with each DEM being sourced from a related point cloud data set. By virtue of its collection history, datasets within the collection vary in currency, as well as resolution and accuracy. The collection currently covers approximately 60% of the state's land area and achieves coverage of over 99% of the state's populated areas.

Source Aerial LiDAR survey
Resolution Ranging from 50 cm to 5 m
Currency Ranging from 2007 to present
Vertical Accuracy Ranging from +/-50 cm RMSE to +/-10 cm RMSE
Horizontal Datum Ranging from GDA94 to GDA2020
Vertical Datum AHD
Format Ranging from ESRI Ascii GRID to Cloud Optimised GeoTIFF
Coordinates Ranging from GDA94 zone 54 and 55 to GDA2020 zone 54 and 55
Coverage 60% of Victoria

Learn more about the Vicmap Elevation – LiDAR DEMs Collection

Vicmap Elevation LiDAR DEMs Collection product description (DOCX, 2.2 MB)

Vicmap Elevation LiDAR DEMs Collection metadata

Explore Vicmap Elevation – LiDAR DEMs coverage

Vicmap Elevation - LiDAR DEMs Collection - coverage

View Vicmap Imagery and Elevation coverage

Access to Vicmap Elevation – LiDAR DEMs

  1. Licensed Data

    Vicmap Elevation LiDAR DEMs are subject to licensed use. Data Access License Agreements (DALA) are used to provide the terms and conditions of use, including license fees determined by the coverage and extent of the data purchased.  Licenses can be purchased through the Value Added Reseller (VAR) and Data Service Provider (DSP) network.

  2. Open Data
  3. In exceptional cases, some project specific Vicmap LiDAR DEMs datasets are available under Creative Commons by Attribution – Non Commercial 4.0 Australia license (CC BY-NC 4.0). These can be discovered and downloaded directly from the ELVIS platform provided by Geoscience Australia.

The Vicmap 10m DEM is a statewide 10 m resolution DEM constructed primarily from early Vicmap Elevation Vector products and updated with more recent DEMs from the Vicmap Elevation – LiDAR DEMs Collection. As such, Vicmap 10m DEM comprises data of various resolutions, accuracies and epochs, with respective horizontal and vertical accuracy rated at 12.5 m and 5 m RMSE or better.

Vicmap 10 m DEM is currently the only Vicmap DEM that is hydrologically enforced to correctly define natural surface drainage and hydrological flow.


Primarily Vicmap 10m – 20m Contours and Relief.

Secondarily updated with DEM datasets from the Vicmap LiDAR DEMs Collection to improve accuracy in localised areas.

Resolution10 m
CurrencyRanging from 1990 to 2018
Vertical Accuracy+/-5 m RMSE
Horizontal DatumGDA94 and GDA2020
Vertical DatumAHD
FormatESRI Ascii GRID and Cloud Optimised GeoTIFF

Learn more about Vicmap Elevation – 10m DEM

Vicmap 10 m DEM Product Description (DOCX, 496.4 KB)

Preview of Vicmap Elevation - 10 m DEM

Access Vicmap Elevation – 10m DEM

Available under a Creative Commons license, the Vicmap 10m DEM can be accessed on DataVic and Geoscience Australia ELVIS platforms.

Access Vicmap Elevation 10m DEM on DataVic

Access Vicmap Elevation 10m DEM on ELVIS

Access Vicmap Elevation 10m DEM via Vicmap as a Service

Elevation Point Clouds

Vicmap Elevation Point Cloud products primarily comprise LiDAR-derived mass 3D point data sets. LiDAR point clouds are the raw source of most Vicmap Elevation products. Although closely associated with gridded surface products (such as Digital Elevation Models and Digital Surface Models), point clouds are technically vector products by virtue of their representation as point features.

Elevation point clouds inherently have both position (X,Y) and height (Z) attributes, but depending on their source may also carry an array of additional attributes.

Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne with four different LiDAR point cloud data symbology views
This LiDAR derived point cloud carries elevation attributes (top left), land cover classification (top right), true colour RGB values (bottom left) and laser return intensity values (bottom right).

Explore available Vicmap Elevation Point Cloud Products

Vicmap LiDAR Points Collection is a compilation of point cloud data sets captured from LiDAR surveys undertaken by the Coordinated Imagery Program since 2007. The collection represents the most comprehensive and extensive archive of LiDAR data available for the State of Victoria.

The LiDAR Points are closely associated with the Vicmap Elevation – LiDAR DEMs Collection, as each point cloud data set is paired with a derived DEM data set. By virtue of its collection history, datasets within the collection vary in currency, as well as point density and accuracy. The collection currently covers approximately 60% of the state's land area and achieves coverage of over 99% of the state's populated areas.

SourceAerial LiDAR survey
Point DensityRanging from 2 pts/m2 to 24 pts/m2
CurrencyRanging from 2007 to present
Vertical AccuracyRanging from +/-50 cm RMSE to +/-10 cm RMSE
Horizontal DatumRanging from GDA94 to GDA2020
Vertical DatumEllipsoidal and AHD
FormatRanging from LAS to LAZ
CoordinatesRanging from GDA94 zone 54 and 55 to GDA2020 zone 54 and 55
Coverage60% of Victoria

Learn more about the Vicmap Elevation – LiDAR Points Collection

Vicmap Elevation LiDAR Points product description (DOCX, 9.1 MB)

Vicmap Elevation LiDAR Points metadata

Explore Vicmap Elevation – LiDAR Points coverage

Vicmap Elevation - LiDAR DEMs Collection - coverage

View Vicmap Elevation - LiDAR Points

How to access Vicmap Elevation – LiDAR Points

  1. Licensed Data

    Vicmap Elevation LiDAR Points are subject to licensed use. Data Access License Agreements (DALA) are used to provide the terms and conditions of use, including license fees determined by the coverage and extent of the data purchased. Licenses can be purchased through the Value Added Reseller (VAR) and Data Service Provider (DSP) network.

  2. Open Data
  3. In exceptional cases, some project-specific Vicmap LiDAR Points datasets are available under Creative Commons by Attribution – Non-Commercial 4.0 Australia license (CC BY-NC 4.0). These can be discovered and downloaded directly from the ELVIS platform provided by Geoscience Australia.

Elevation Features

Vicmap Elevation features comprise traditionally represented contour, spot height and landform features mapped from stereographic imagery. Elevation features are vector data sets that represent different types of ground surface features as points, lines and polygons.

Vicmap Elevation 10m–20 m Contours displayed over Buckland River Valley
Buckland River Valley, North-East Victoria. Vicmap Elevation 10 m - 20 m Contours displayed over Buckland River Valley DEM data set from the Vicmap Elevation – LiDAR DEMs collection.

Explore available Vicmap Elevation Feature products

Vicmap 10m – 20m Contours and Relief represents Victoria’s elevations in the form of contours, spot heights and surface features including cliffs, embankments, and rock outcrops.

This product can be used in a variety of applications including emergency services, natural resource management, planning and development, and digital map publication.

SourceVicmap Topographic Maps (stereo photogrammetry)
Scale of capture1:25,000
Currency1960s – 1990s
Special features10 m contour intervals (20 m in steep terrain), spot heights, surface features (e.g. cliffs and levee banks).
Vertical accuracy+/-5 m for 10 m contours and +/-10 m for 20 m contours
Horizontal datumGDA94
Vertical datumAHD
FormatVarious vectors

Learn more about Vicmap Elevation – 10m – 20m Contours and Relief

Vicmap Elevation – 10m - 20m contours and relief product description (DOCX, 4.5 MB)

Access Vicmap Elevation – 10m – 20m Contours and Relief

Vicmap Elevation – 10m – 20m Contours and Relief are Open data and available under a Creative Commons license. Vicmap Elevation – 10m – 20m contours can be accessed on Data.Vic.

Access Vicmap Elevation – 10m – 20m Contours and Relief on DataVic

Access Vicmap Elevation – 10m – 20m Contours and Relief via Vicmap as a Service

Vicmap Elevation – 1m – 5m Contours and Relief provide a contour overlay of the Melbourne metropolitan area.

Sourced from the former Melbourne Metropolitan Board of Works surveys from 1970 to 1980, this dataset has traditionally been used for feature and contour surveys, planning applications and broad-scale volume estimations.


Melbourne Water (stereo photogrammetry)

Scale of Capture



1970s to 1980s

Special Features

Mostly 1 m intervals; some locations have only 2 m or 5 m contours.

Vertical Accuracy

+/-50 cm for 1 m contours and +/-2.5 m for 5 m contours

Horizontal Datum


Vertical Datum



Various Vector




Melbourne Metropolitan Area

Access Vicmap Elevation – 1 m – 5 m contours and relief Melbourne metro

Vicmap Elevation 1m-5m contours and relief Melbourne Metro data is Open data and available under a Creative Commons license.  Vicmap Elevation 1m-5m contours and relief Melbourne Metro can be accessed on Data.Vic.

Access Vicmap Elevation – 1 m – 5 m contours and relief on DataVic

Access Vicmap Elevation - 1 m – 5 m contours and relief via Vicmap as a Service

How to get help

Vicmap customers and business custodians can contact the Vicmap helpdesk for product information and support.

For more information please visit:

Page last updated: 21/10/24