On this page:

About Vicmap change management

Vicmap change management aims to improve functionality and user experience through standardised procedures that control risk and minimise disruptions to agreed levels of service.

To ensure Vicmap products meet customer needs, the Department facilitates Vicmap Change Management through a committee governed by technical experts.

Vicmap change management focuses on evolving the data structure, metadata and data specifications aligning with Geocentric Datum of Australia and global data theme standards.

What is a Vicmap change notice?

A change notice provides information about changes to Vicmap products or services including:

  • What the change is
  • When it will happen
  • Why it is happening
  • Who needs to know
  • How to provide feedback on change notices that are open for consultation.

How to provide feedback

Vicmap customers and stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback and submit requests for improvement to Vicmap products.

All requests are logged and considered based on priority, impact and urgency.

For further information and to share feedback, please email vicmap.help@transport.vic.gov.au.

Sign up to receive Vicmap change notices

To subscribe, change your email address or unsubscribe, email vicmap@transport.vic.gov.au.

Digital Cadastre Modernisation (DCM) data integration into Vicmap

The Digital Cadastre Modernisation Project (DCM) is a 5-year initiative to transform the legacy data of Victoria’s property boundaries into a data-driven, spatially improved, 3D-enabled digital representation of the cadastre.

The improved property and parcel boundary positions generated by DCM will be used to spatially improve all Vicmap products. These improvements will result in changes to Vicmap, reflecting more accurate positions for parcel boundaries in the digital cadastre.

You can visit the Readiness Toolkit to find tools and resources that will help you get ready for a spatially upgraded Vicmap.

We will start publishing changes to Vicmap in April 2022 and continue into 2023.

A Vicmap Change Notice will be issued one month prior to the DCM data integration into Vicmap.

Find out more about the Vicmap spatial upgrade:

Vicmap change notices


Change Advisory Notice 289.1 – Vicmap Basemaps – Withdrawal of Vicgrid94 services (DOCX, 93.2 KB)

Due to the release of the Vicmap® Basemaps Vicgrid2020 services the Vicmap Basemaps Vicgrid94 services are now deprecated and will be withdrawn.

This change will affect all users of the Vicmap Basemaps – Vicgrid94 services in GIS desktop and web mapping applications. Customers are encouraged to change their GIS desktop and/or web mapping applications to the Vicmap Basemaps Vicgrid2020 services.

Please note that the URL to the Vicmap Basemaps is unchanged and remains as: base.maps.vic.gov.au/service?service=wmts&request=getCapabilities

Issued: 31/07/2024

Change implemented

Change advisory notice 306 – Adding ‘information bays’ to Vicmap FOI (DOCX, 87.2 KB)

A new feature subtype, ‘information bay’, will be added to feature type ‘sign’ within our Feature Catalogue. The [FOI_POINT] dataset will maintain ‘information bay’ feature subtypes within the Vicmap Features of Interest (VMFOI) product.

Feature Type: sign
Feature Subtype: information bay
Definition: An information bay with signage but no other visitor assets, generally on the side of a road or track
Geometry Type: Point

For further details about feature types and subtypes please review the Feature Catalogue.

Current feature subtypes ‘tourist information centre’ and ‘trailhead’ are not accurate terms to define the availability of interpretive signage displaying visitor information in off-road or track areas.

The inclusion of Information Bays as a feature subtype has been decided. The feature definition is an industry term used by Park Victoria and Alpine Resort Victoria to support standardisation.

This change may affect Vicmap Features of Interest and Geomark customers.
Incremental Update Format (IUF) customers will not be affected as part of this change.

The additional of a new feature subtype does not adversely impact customers or services, therefore can be implemented without a lead time.

Changes will be reflected in the data from Thursday 16 May 2024.

Issued: 15/05/2024

Change will be implemented by 16 May 2024

Change advisory notice 305 – Vicmap Admin Addition of Ward 2024 boundaries (DOCX, 89.8 KB)

Vicmap Admin Data model v22.3 (PDF, 279.6 KB)

From 13 May 2024, WARD_2024 will be added to Vicmap Admin.
From 1 January 2025, WARD_2020 will be withdrawn from Vicmap Admin.

Between 13 May 2024 and 1 January 2025 both WARD_2020 and WARD_2024 datasets will be available within Vicmap Admin.

At the request of the Minister for Local Government, the internal boundaries (wards) of a council are reviewed when the number of voters per councillor is forecast to be outside the legislated +/- 10% tolerance in one or more wards at the next local council election. This makes sure each voter is represented equally. For further information please visit the Victorian Electoral Commission website.

There have been 39 councils reviewed in the Electoral Structural Review program. These were gazetted by the Minister for Local Government Victoria 15/02/2024 and will apply at the October 2024 local council elections.

The WARD_2024 boundaries supersede WARD_2020 boundaries.

This change will affect Vicmap Admin customers.
Incremental Update Format (IUF) customers will not be affected.

Issued: 08/05/2024

Change will be implemented by 1 January 2025

Change advisory notice 304 – Digital Twin Victoria is moving URL

The Digital Twin Victoria (DTV) platform is moving to a new URL address.
Current URL address: vic.digitaltwin.terria.io/
New URL address: digitaltwin.vic.gov.au/public

This change will affect DTV customers.

Saved bookmarks or created story map links will need to be recreated within the new URL. All existing bookmarks and story maps will be unavailable when the current URL is withdrawn.

Affected customers are encouraged to take the following steps before 12 June 2024:

  1. Update bookmarks and workflows: Replace existing bookmarks and processes in the new URL address.
  2. Recreate story maps: Review and recreate story maps in the new URL address.

When the change will occur:
During the transition period, from 1 May to 12 June 2024, both the existing and new address for the DTV platform will be available.

On the 1 May 2024 the new DTV address digitaltwin.vic.gov.au/public will be launched.
On the 12 June 2024 the current address vic.digitaltwin.terria.io/ will be withdrawn.

Issued: 30/04/2024

Change will be implemented by 12 June 2024


Change advisory notice 303 – Attribute change in Geographic Names Register (GNR) table (DOCX, 91.2 KB)

Vicmap Features of Interest Data model v3.6 (PDF, 184.8 KB)

A change in an attribute name has been made in the GNR table maintained in Vicmap Features of Interest.

The renamed attribute allows more defined progeny of the name source and responds to the changes made in the data delivered from Geographic Names Victoria’s VICNAMES – Register of Geographic Names.

The Aboriginal Origin information will support those organisations that have reporting requirements against the Gender Equality Act 2020, Sustainable Development Goals and Reconciliation Action Plans.

This change is an improvement for customers of Vicmap Features of Interest GNR table.

Incremental Update Format (IUF) customers will not be affected as part of this change.

Issued: 06/12/2023

Change will be implemented by 8 December 2023

Change advisory notice 302 – Vicmap Admin new attribute (PDF, 121.1 KB)

Vicmap Admin Data model v22.2 (PDF, 233.2 KB)

A new label_use_code attribute will be introduced to the following Vicmap Admin datasets:

  • ad_lga_area_polygon
  • lga_polygon
  • ad_locality_area_polygon
  • locality_polygon
  • postcode_polygon

This change will affect all users of Vicmap Admin.

Issued: 30/08/2023

Changes in data from 26/10/2023

Change advisory notice 301 – Vicmap Viewer app uplift (PDF, 295.2 KB)

The Vicmap team is uplifting the technology that supports the Vicmap Viewer app. The app is currently a native app available on Google Play and Apple App Store. This app is being migrated to a Progressive Web App (PWA).

Users can access the improved Vicmap Viewer app via the URL vicmaptopo.land.vic.gov.au on their device's web browser.

The current Vicmap Viewer app will remain available on Google Play and Apple App Store until 31 October 2023. It will then be decommissioned and unmaintained.
Downloaded instances of the current Vicmap Viewer app will be disabled on 30 November 2023.

Issued: 27/07/2023

Available from 31 July 2023

Change advisory notice 300 – IUF LGA renamed to Merri-bek (PDF, 108.4 KB)

From the delivery of the IUF seed on 2 July 2023, the Local Government Authority (LGA) Moreland will be renamed to Merri-bek.

The new name, Merri-bek City Council, came into effect Monday 26 September 2022.

This change to the IUF seed is consistent with previous Merri-bek name changes to Vicmap data, such as in the VMADMIN.LGA_POLYGON table. The recent seed supply has enabled the Department to rename the council in the IUF deliveries.

Changes have been adjusted to reflect the new name on our SFTP server in the recent IUF Seed (02-July-2023) and the first incremental supply (09-July-2023). All subsequent incremental supplies will use the new name.

Issued: 14/07/2023

Changes are now reflected in the product.

Change advisory notice 299 – Vicmap Basemaps: New Topographic Map Services (PDF, 406.8 KB)

From June 2023, two new services will be added to the Vicmap Basemaps suite of products to complement the existing Aerial, Cartographic and Overlay services:

  • Vicmap Topographic (Colour)
  • Vicmap Topographic (Greyscale)

These services are available in VicGrid2020 and Web Mercator projections.

This change will affect all users of Vicmap Basemaps. Access to this new product is available as a tile package and a hosted tile service to internal customers (DEECA, DTP and Emergency Services Organisations). It is anticipated that access to external customers will be available from September 2023.

Issued: 13/06/2023

Changes are now reflected in the product.

Change advisory notice 298 – New Attributes for Geographic Names Register (GNR) table
(DOCX, 90.5 KB)

New attributes are being added to the GNR held in the Vicmap Features of Interest Product.The additional information will enable users to be able to confirm the gazettal details of any given VICNAMES record. In addition, whether a name is of Aboriginal origin and or its gender if applicable.

Data model to support change Vicmap Features of Interest diagram V3.5 (PDF, 199.2 KB)

Issued: 27/04/2023

For noting

REVISED Change advisory notice 297.1 – Vicmap Property maintenance process change (PDF, 534.7 KB)

This amendment explains the revision of Vicmap Change Notice 297 published 23/03/2023.

  1. The implementation date has been deferred, until 21 July 2023, due to the process being dependant on software changes.
  2. Further clarification about the change has been provided with the addition of diagrams.

Issued: 22/05/2023

For noting

Change advisory notice 297 – Vicmap Property maintenance change (DOCX, 78.6 KB)

From the end of May 2023, the process for maintaining Vicmap Property will be slightly altered.

All Vicmap Property customers that utilise the certified plan for planning purposes will not see a revised version of the proposed plan until it is released for lodgement. This means that on average the plan will be take on average 3 more months to be updated to Vicmap.

Issued: 23/03/2023

For noting

Change advisory notice 296 – Vicmap Themes TASK_ID (PDF, 472.4 KB)

A new attribute TASK_ID is being added to multiple Vicmap tables to support internal maintenance, quality assurance and task identification.

Products Affected: Vicmap Address, Vicmap Admin, Vicmap Crown Land Tenure, Vicmap Elevation, Vicmap Features of Interest, Vicmap Hydro, Vicmap Index, Vicmap Transport and Vicmap Vegetation.

Further communication will be provided when the VDP Vicmap release date is confirmed.

Data modes to support changes.

Vicmap Address Version 6.3 12 April, 2023 (PDF, 162.1 KB)

Vicmap Admin Version 21.1 12 April, 2023 (PDF, 190.5 KB)

Vicmap Crown Land Tenure (Standard) Version 4.1 12 April, 2023 (PDF, 98.8 KB)

Vicmap Elevation Version 4.2 28 March, 2023 (PDF, 121.9 KB)

Vicmap Features of Interest Version 3.4 28th March, 2023 (PDF, 200.1 KB)

Vicmap Features of Interest Version 3.5 12 April, 2023 (PDF, 199.2 KB)

Vicmap Hydro Version 3.2 28 March, 2023 (PDF, 133.4 KB)

Vicmap Index Version 1.2 12 April, 2021 (PDF, 244.5 KB)

Vicmap Transport Version 4.2 28 March, 2023 (PDF, 215.7 KB)

Vicmap Vegetation Version 6.1 12 April, 2023 (PDF, 98.7 KB)

Issued: 12/04/2023

For noting

REVISED: Change advisory notice 295.1 – Image Web Server (IWS) migrating to the cloud (PDF, 479.2 KB)

This amendment explains the revision of Vicmap Change Notice 295 published on 07/03/2023.

Image Web Server (IWS) migrating date has been rescheduled to 14 April 2023. This provides more time to transition with both systems (old and new) running concurrently.

Issued: 13/04/2022

For noting

Change advisory notice 295 – Image Web Server (IWS) migrating to the cloud on 27 March 2023 (DOCX, 93.4 KB)

This change will affect anyone sourcing aerial and satellite imagery and digital maps from the Image Web Server.

As the URL will change, existing links to images will no longer work and will need to be reset.

Please ensure your GIS software and other mapping systems are utilising the new IWS URL iws.maps.vic.gov.au/erdas-iws/ogc/wms/RDP?SERVICE from 27 March 2023.

Issued: 07/03/2023

Changes in data from 27/03/2023

REVISED: Change advisory notice 294.1 – Changes to Open Data Platform affecting Vicmap web services (WMS/WFS) (PDF, 478.2 KB)

This amendment explains the revision of Vicmap Change Notice 294 published on 03/03/2023.

Changes to Open Data Platform affecting Vicmap web services (WMS/WFS) date rescheduled to 24 April 2023.

Issued: 13/04/2022

For noting

Change advisory notice 294 – Changes to Open Data Platform affecting Vicmap web services (WMS/WFS) (DOCX, 98.4 KB)

GeoServer Migration FAQ (PDF, 422.7 KB)

GeoServer Migration WMS and WFS URL Change Instruction (PDF, 105.3 KB)

DEECA is uplifting its enterprise spatial architecture and moving data services to the cloud. This will improve system performance, stability, and disaster recovery.

This change will affect customers accessing Vicmap data as WMS and WFS via the URL services.land.vic.gov.au/catalogue/publicproxy/guest/dv_geoserver

The migration of the DEECA Open Data Platform to the cloud will happen on 27 March 2023. The publication of this notice is given now to allow customers to prepare for the transition.

Issued: 03/03/2023

Changes in data from 27/03/2023

Change Advisory Notice 293 – Notice for IUF data supply customers regarding weekly supply dated 23 January 2023 (PDF, 392.0 KB)

The weekly IUF supply for 23 January 2023 contains the incremental update incorporating the DCM spatial changes for the Whittlesea City Council LGA extent. This update comes approximately one week ahead of the intended delivery date.

Issued: 23/01/2023

For noting

Change Advisory Notice 292 – Delay in full-file Vicmap LAT supply between 23 and 29 January 2023 (PDF, 403.6 KB)

There has been a decision to delay the release of the full file State-wide Vicmap LAT products for one week, between the dates of 23 January 2023 to 29 January 2023 (inclusive).

This change notice concerns all customers that download the full file Vicmap LAT products:

Issued: 23/01/2023

For noting

Change advisory notice 287 – New attributes improving trustworthiness in Vicmap (DOCX, 92.7 KB)

New attributes are being added to multiple Vicmap tables to provide information about the trustworthiness of the data.

Products affected: Vicmap Features of Interest, Vicmap Elevation, Vicmap Hydro, Vicmap Transport and Geomark.

Issued: 23/01/2023

Changes in data late April 2023

To request an earlier change notice, email vicmap@transport.vic.gov.au

Vicmap Special Bulletins

Vicmap Special Bulletin – Vicmap services during the 2024–25 holiday period (DOCX, 164.2 KB)

As the holiday season approaches, we want to let you know about temporary changes to Vicmap support. The changes are outlined below.

Vector data

The final publication of Vicmap for the 2024 calendar year will be on Saturday 21 December 2024 for:

  • Vicmap vector data (both whole data and feature edits)
  • Incremental Update Format (IUF).

Vicmap will return to regular publication from Saturday 11 January 2025.


Vicmap as a Service and DataShare will continue to operate as normal over the holiday season.

The maintenance and refresh of data within these services will continue to align with the data publication dates above.


No changes are expected.

Customer service

A Change Management freeze will be applied between Monday 16 December 2024 and Monday 13 January 2025. This means no structural changes to data models can be made during the freeze window. Response times for customer support queries may also be longer than usual.

Vicmap remains committed to supporting emergency management and critical operations, regardless of the time of year.

We appreciate your understanding as we adjust our schedules to accommodate the holiday season. Thank you for your continued partnership, and we wish you a safe and happy holiday season.

Vicmap Special Bulletin – Changeover of domain name (DOCX, 96.0 KB).

What is happening?

This notice reflects machinery of government changes that came into effect on 1 January 2023. Departments were established and abolished through an Order in Council made under section 10 of the Public Administration Act 2004. The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) and Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) replace the former Department of Environment, Land Water and Planning (DELWP).

As a result, from 17 May 2024 the domain name for Vicmap Spatial Services employees and accounts will transition to @transport.vic.gov.au, making our help and information email vicmap@transport.vic.gov.au

The former @delwp.vic.gov.au will continue to work, mail will be automatically forwarded to the new domain default to assist the transition.

How may this affect Vicmap customers?

Update details with contact databases with our new domain name.

Get in touch with us

For further help or information please email vicmap@transport.vic.gov.au.

For Vicmap Product change notices and updates, visit Vicmap change notices.

If you would like to subscribe to change notices ongoing please forward your contact details including your email to vicmap@transport.vic.gov.au

Vicmap Special Bulletin – Changeover of Vicmap Topo Online and Vicmap Viewer login for internal customers (DOCX, 98.4 KB)

What is happening?

This notice reflects machinery of government changes that came into effect on 1 January 2023. Departments were established and abolished through an Order in Council made under section 10 of the Public Administration Act 2004. The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) and Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) replace the former Department of Environment, Land Water and Planning (DELWP).

As a result, the DELWP login option for Vicmap Topo online and Vicmap Viewer will be discontinued. Affected customers must create new accounts using their new email domain names and password and then access the respective coupon codes in table 1 to continue to access map free of charge. Coupon codes are applied in the shopping cart.


Domain name

Coupon code




Forest Fires and Regions, DEECA for emergency management activities



DEECA (all other divisions)



Table 1: New account domain names and respective coupon codes.

The above coupon codes are available now. The DELWP login option for the Vicmap Viewer and Vicmap Topo online will be removed on May 10th, 2024. The email domain changeover will occur from May 17th, 2024.

How may this affect Vicmap customers?

Former DELWP Vicmap Topo Online and Vicmap Viewer customers will need to create new accounts to continue to access Vicmap Topographic maps at no cost.

Customers will need to re-access their previously downloaded maps. These maps will be the latest editions available.

Get in touch with us

For further help or information please email vicmap@transport.vic.gov.au

Note, from 17 May 2024 the domain name for organisational accounts will transition too, making our help and information email vicmap@transport.vic.gov.au

For Vicmap Product change notices and updates, visit Vicmap change notices.

If you would like to subscribe to change notices ongoing please forward your contact details including your email to vicmap@transport.vic.gov.au

How to get help

Vicmap customers and business custodians can contact the Vicmap Helpdesk for product information and support.

Vicmap catalogue

Read more about spatial data available in the Vicmap catalogue.

Page last updated: 20/03/25