25 February 2021
The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) is innovating digital workflows to make the delivery of Vicmap Address and Property data more efficient.
Vicmap Editing Service (VES) now includes an inbuilt validator to verify property and address data provided by local government.
Local councils are the custodians of Victoria’s address and property data and a critical partner in supporting up-to-date addressing for Victoria.
Vicmap Property and Vicmap Address datasets are used for emergency response every second of every day, helping to field 2.8 million emergency calls a year.
They ensure emergency responders can get the closest and most appropriate emergency unit for the situation, terrain and access conditions.
By validating change requests to these vital datasets before they are submitted, we can identify invalid records up front and provide the opportunity to make corrections. This makes the maintenance process more efficient, reducing turn-around times and simplifying workflows.
Vicmap customers can be confident that the maintenance process is providing access to high quality and up-to-date address and property data.
Vicmap is Victoria’s authoritative state-wide suite of foundational spatial data. It is the #1 data suite on Data.Vic, and is accessed more than 100 million times a year across our platforms.
Page last updated: 11/07/23