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Developers can integrate Vicmap Basemaps services as a Web Map Service (WMS or WMTS) into any web mapping applications such as Open Layers, Leaflet using a single like of code.
Vicmap Basemaps is a licensed product.
For further information please contact vicmap@transport.vic.gov.au.
Geographic Coverage, Scale and Projection Specifications
Vicmap Basemaps coverage extends beyond the Victorian border into NSW and South Australia at larger, detail levels. Vicmap Basemaps tiles are available in VicGrid94, Vicgrid2020 Projection and Web Mercator or "Google" projection.
Web Mercator
Vicmap Basemaps is available in the Web Mercator (commonly known as Google maps) projection. This projection is utilised by the vast majority of web mapping applications around the world and will enable web developers and designers to integrate Vicmap API seamlessly into their current application or web page. All layers are served with high-resolution tiles being 256 x 256 pixels.

The Spherical Mercator or Web Mercator projection is coded as : 900913 equivilent to EPSG:3857.
For further information on the Web Mercator projection please visit Wikipedia.
The scale levels and resolution are listed below.
Web Mercator scales
1 | 9,000,000 | 2445.9849051249898 |
2 | 4,000,000 | 1222.9924525624949 |
3 | 2,000,000 | 611.496226281379687 |
4 | 1,000,000 | 305.74811314055756 |
5 | 546,000 | 152.87405657041106 |
6 | 273,000 | 76.437028285073239 |
7 | 136,000 | 38.21851414253662 |
8 | 68,000 | 19.10925707126831 |
9 | 34,000 | 9.5546285356341549 |
10 | 17,000 | 4.7773142679493699 |
11 | 8531 | 2.3886571339746849 |
12 | 4265 | 1.1943285668550503 |
13 | 2133 | 0.59716428355981721 |
14 | 1066 | 0.29858214164761665 |
15 | 533 | 0.14929107082380833 |
The VicGrid2020 projection EPSG:7899 has been chosen as the projection of choice as it is the most accurate projection with minimal distortions for the state of Victoria mapping applications

For more detailed information on the Vicgrid94 projection peruse the VICGRID94 Map Projection Information sheet.
VicGrid2020 scales
Vicmap Basemaps offers 14 levels of zoom ranging from the scale of 1:8 million to 1:800 (in metro areas) and to 1:1250 in rural areas
1 | 8,000,000 | 2116.670900008467 |
2 | 4,000,000 | 1058.3354500042335 |
3 | 2,000,000 | 529.1677250021168 |
4 | 1,000,000 | 264.5838625010584 |
5 | 500,000 | 132.2919312505292 |
6 | 250,000 | 66.1459656252646 |
7 | 100,000 | 26.458386250105836 |
8 | 50,000 | 13.229193125052918 |
9 | 25,000 | 6.614596562526459 |
10 | 10,00 | 2.6458386250105836 |
11 | 5,000 | 1.3229193125052918 |
12 | 2,500 | 0.6614596562526459 |
13 | 1,250 | 0.33072982812632296 |
14 | 800 | 0.21166709000084669 |
Page last updated: 17/09/24