On this page:

Land transactions are complicated, so we strongly recommend you use a professional.

Our role

As we are responsible for registering and recording land transactions, we must always be independent.

We therefore cannot give assistance or advice to anyone on how to complete land transactions.

We strongly encourage all members of the public to seek professional help.

How to find a conveyancer, lawyer or surveyor

For information on conveyancers visit Consumer Affairs Victoria.

Additionally, the Australian Institute of Conveyancers Vic has a find a conveyancer section.

For information about lawyers visit the Victorian Legal Services Board + Commissioner’s website.

The Law Institute of Victoria has a find your lawyer section.

If your land transaction needs to be submitted with a survey, visit the Surveyors Registration Board of Victoria.

The Association of Consulting Surveyors has a find a surveyor section.

The Institution of Surveyors Victoria also has a find a surveyor section.

The Surveying and Spatial Science Institute (SSSI) has a member search function.

Land transactions can be complicated. Learn about the mistakes people make the most in land transactions and how you can avoid them.

Page last updated: 02/05/24