On this page:

How do I do a title search?

A title search provides details of the owners of a property, and any mortgage or other encumbrances affecting the land. You will need to check title details when buying and selling property or getting a loan from a bank.

Title searches are available from LANDATA or authorised information brokers. For more information please visit property and land titles information.

We recommend searching the register of land well before you begin any land transaction. The register holds the most-up-to-date information and may be different than what’s shown on a paper title if there is one.

Can I do a title search on someone else's property?

Yes, you can search any property in the register of land. Typically, you will need the address of the property or the title details. Title searches can be done online through LANDATA® and an authorised information broker. For more information please visit property and land titles information.

What is SPEAR?

SPEAR is an online system for subdivision planning permits, certification applications and other surveyor-initiated land administration dealings. It allows users to compile, lodge, manage, refer, approve and track transactions. Complete end-to-end workflows are built into SPEAR, allowing applications to be lodged online with Land Use Victoria for registration. See SPEAR’s FAQ to find out more.

Where can I find Land Use Victoria’s land registry forms?

All forms and the related fees are listed on our fees, guides and forms page. Paper forms can only be used if the conveyancing transaction can’t be lodged electronically using an Electronic Lodgment Network (ELN).

We strongly encourage all members of the public to get advice from a conveyancer, lawyer or surveyor (if appropriate). Please visit our how to get help page for further details.

What is the cost to lodge a transfer of land?

Please visit our transfer of land fees calculator to find out. This statutory fee must be paid when the transfer is lodged with the Registrar.  Other fees and charges may be incurred in completing a conveyancing transaction, such as:

  • stamp duty
  • charges for conveyancers, lawyers, financial institutions and surveyors

What is the cost to lodge other transactions?

All current lodging fees are listed on our fees, guides and forms page. Use the search bar or dropdown list to help find the transaction you’re looking for.

What is a caveat and what does it mean?

The meaning of 'caveat’ is explained on our glossary page.

If you intend to lodge a caveat, you should consult a conveyancer or lawyer. They will be able to advise whether you have a caveatable interest.

How do I remove a caveat from my title?

If you believe a caveat has been recorded on your title by mistake, you could contact the caveator, or their conveyancer or lawyer.

If you dispute the claim made in a caveat recorded on your title or do not understand any of the details in it, you should consult a conveyancer or lawyer. They will be able to advise you of your options. See our how to get help page for more information.

Can you help with a fence dispute with a neighbour?

No. Land Use Victoria’s role is to keep the register of land and register plans showing boundaries of lots, roads and reserves. For advice further information on fencing and fencing disputes visit the Department of Justice and Community Safety.

Can I subdivide my land?

Land Use Victoria is not responsible for decisions about whether land can be subdivided. This is a planning decision.  Please visit our how to get help page to find professional advice or speak to your local council.

How do I lodge a plan of subdivision?

Plans of subdivision are very complicated. We strongly encourage all members of the public to get professional advice. Please visit our how to get help page for further details.

If you’re a professional, please visit our fees, guides and forms page and search for the appropriate lodging guide and form.

How much does a subdivision plan cost to lodge?

Each subdivision plan has different costs based on the number of parcels created. You can work the cost out by using the subdivision fee calculator on our website. There is also an extra fee if any owners corporation rules are created.

How can I verify my identity?

If you’re using a conveyancer or lawyer, they will verify your identity.

For more information, please visit our verification of identity page.

How do I check if my title has been nominated?

Visit LANDATA or an authorised information broker to check if your title has been nominated. A ‘final search’ will show the results.

If your title hasn’t been nominated, you can subscribe to a property transaction alert which will notify you when the title is nominated. There is a fee for these services.

How can I find the progress of my lodgment?

Please note we do not provide progress updates to any members of the public. To check the progress of a plan of subdivision or transaction, you can use LANDATA or an authorised information broker.

Our property and land titles information page has information on how to do a search.

What is adverse possession?

Please visit our glossary to find out what an adverse possession is. If you wish to make a claim of adverse possession, we strongly encourage all members of the public to seek professional advice from a conveyancer, lawyer  or surveyor (if applicable). We cannot give advice on the merits of any claim. Please visit our how to get help page.

I received a notice regarding an adverse possession claim. What do I do?

You should seek independent legal advice as soon as possible. Please visit our how to get help page. The application for adverse possession will be granted if you do not dispute the claim.

Who can witness a statutory declaration?

If you’re a member of the public, please visit the Department of Justice and Community Safety website. You will find a statutory declaration template and a list of all the authorised witnesses you can use.

Who do I contact to lease or purchase Crown land?

Please contact your local DEECA regional office for information about purchasing or leasing Crown land.

How do I contact your legal team?

Please contact Customer Services. All details are on our contact us page. If your query cannot be dealt with by Customer Services or another Land Registry team, it will be forwarded to our legal team.

Page last updated: 26/06/24