On this page:
GovMap is an online mapping and search tool for use by government. It provides government with a single point of information for all government owned land in Victoria.
How it helps
Find core government land information
GovMap provides government staff with an easy way to find core property information about land owned by the Victorian Government.
Search for surplus land
GovMap is also the authoritative source of information for surplus government land undergoing the First Right of Refusal (FROR) process. This process applies to Victorian Government land no longer required by an agency. It means other local, state and federal government agencies can consider the land for other uses, before any potential public sale.
Quality and accessibility
The site helps to improve the quality and accessibility of government land information.
This helps government to make holistic decisions about government land to maximise public value.
How to register
Victorian government department, agency and local council staff can create a GovMap account using their current Victorian government email address.
Employees of Commonwealth agencies and universities requiring access to GovMap for FROR should contact us by email at govmap.website@transport.vic.gov.au.
Page last updated: 29/08/24