On this page:
The Victorian Government Land Use policy and guidelines (PDF, 3.4 MB) provides a framework and guiding principles for government land use decision-making.
The policy seeks to unlock public value for Victorians by:
- ensuring public value is the main goal of government land use
- delivering strategic, whole-of-government advice to maximise public value
- accessing accurate information about government land
- defining clear government land policies, procedures and roles
How it works
Land use decision making principles
This policy sets out principles to guide land use decision-making across government:
- focus on achieving positive social, environmental and economic benefits
- consider equity impacts across generations
- take a whole-of-government perspective
- engage and collaborate in a meaningful way
Strategic land use advice
The policy identifies Strategic Land Use Assessments (SLAUs) as the process to consider land use options and assess public value on highly significant or complex government properties.
It also provides Land Use Victoria with:
- an authorising environment to deliver strategic land use advice to government
- authorisation to assess surplus land going through the First Right of Refusal (FROR) process and meeting thresholds on size, value and location
Links with other policies
Government land is administered under a number of different policies and frameworks across government.
To learn how this policy fits with other government policies and frameworks, refer to our framework flowchart or overarching Government land management policies.
Government land policy context flowchart

Page last updated: 29/08/24